The performance of the Turkish economy between 2022 and early 2023

The performance of the Turkish economy between 2022 and early 2023

A summary of the performance of the Turkish economy in 2022, what it has achieved so far since the beginning of this year, and expectations until the end of 2023

23rd May 2023

The Turkish economy in 2022 witnessed significant developments across various sectors, including exports, national income, industry, trade, and real estate. This article aims to provide an overview of the Turkish economy in 2022, highlighting key statistics and trends. Additionally, we will compare the economic state in 2022 with the following year, 2023, and discuss the expectations for the end of 2023.

Exports and Trade:

In 2022, Turkish exports showed resilience and registered substantial growth. The country's diversified export portfolio  played a crucial role in overcoming global economic uncertainties. Notably, Turkey's export volume reached $254 billion and 172 million in 2022, reflecting a notable increase from the previous year. Industries such as automotive, textile, and machinery remained major contributors to the export sector.

National Income and Industry:

The Turkish economy experienced steady growth in national income in 2022. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased by approximately 107% compared to the previous year. This growth was propelled by both domestic demand and external factors, such as favorable global trade conditions. The industrial sector played a significant role in driving economic growth, with manufacturing, construction, and energy sectors leading the way.

Real Estate Sales and Constructions:

The real estate sector in Turkey witnessed a positive trajectory in 2022. The demand for residential and commercial properties remained strong, driven by low-interest rates and government incentives. According to statistics, real estate sales increased by X% in 2022, reaching a record high. Istanbul, the country's largest city, continued to attract domestic and foreign investors, contributing significantly to the sector's growth. Real estate constructions also soared, further stimulating the economy and creating employment opportunities.

Comparison with 2023:

Looking ahead to 2023, the Turkish economy and real estate market are expected to continue their upward trajectory. The government's focus on economic reforms, investment incentives, and sustainable growth strategies are likely to bolster economic performance. However, it is crucial to consider potential challenges, such as inflationary pressures and geopolitical factors, which could influence the economy.

Real Estate Sales and Expectations:

The real estate sector is expected to maintain its robust growth in 2023. Increased demand from both local and international buyers, coupled with supportive government policies, is likely to sustain the momentum. Moreover, ongoing infrastructure projects, including transportation and urban development, will further enhance the appeal of Turkish real estate.

Turkish Economy Outlook:

By the end of 2023, the Turkish economy is expected to exhibit a positive growth trajectory. With continued export expansion, sustained industrial development, and a flourishing real estate sector, the overall economic outlook remains promising. However, policymakers will need to address potential challenges, such as inflation, currency fluctuations, and geopolitical risks, to ensure sustainable growth and stability.


The Turkish economy in 2022 demonstrated resilience and growth across various sectors. The country's export performance, national income growth, industrial development, and vibrant real estate market played vital roles in driving economic progress. Looking ahead to 2023, the Turkish economy is expected to continue its positive momentum, supported by government reforms and ongoing investment initiatives. The real estate sector, in particular, is anticipated to flourish, contributing to overall economic stability and prosperity.


Edited by: Aldar Real Estate ©