The latest Adjustments to the law on obtaining Turkish citizenship through ownership 2023

The latest Adjustments to the law on obtaining Turkish citizenship through ownership 2023

Learn about the latest Adjustments to the Turkish Nationality Law for foreigners through real estate ownership at the beginning of 2023

27th February 2023

Adjustments to the law on obtaining Turkish citizenship continue, and some new conditions have been added so that foreigners can obtain naturalization through ownership or real estate investment…

So what are the last of these Adjustments that took place in 2022?
A new set of conditions has been approved by the General Directorate of Land Registry and Land Survey in Turkey so that the foreign investor can obtain Turkish citizenship, so that these conditions will become effective at the beginning of the new year 2023.

These conditions are:
1- One contract in forward sales:
When the sale is on credit with regard to ownership by a foreign investor who wishes to obtain citizenship, a new condition has been added that the total value is "400 thousand dollars" if it is in more than one property, that it be included in one contract and not several contracts as was previously available.
Another condition is that if the sale is on credit, a floor height deed must be obtained by the property owner first before selling it to the foreigner wishing to buy it, otherwise the property becomes unsuitable for the nationality.

2- Sole proprietorship:
In the past, it was possible to apply for citizenship by owning part or shares of a real estate or real estate shared with other individuals, but in recent amendments this was canceled, to become a condition that the real estate be wholly owned by the person who seeks to obtain citizenship on his own, and the same condition applies to existing real estate to participate (such as a week, a month in a year, and so on).

3- Real estate on plans is not accepted:
The property must either be ready, or its construction operations have started at least, and the real estate that is still on the plans is not acceptable for citizenship.

4- Real estate owned by a foreigner in a period of less than 3 years:
If the property was sold by a foreigner to a Turk within the last three years, this property becomes invalid, just like the property sold by the foreigner directly.

5- The real estate appraisal should not be old:
If the real estate appraisal reports were extracted before starting the sale transactions, they become invalid.

6- Sale by relatives or naturalized persons:
The amendments stipulate that it is not possible to own a property for citizenship if it is sold by a Turkish citizen who is related to a foreigner, and the property is also not valid if its owner has obtained Turkish citizenship by exceptional means.

7- Mortgaged real estate:
If the property is subject to a legal mortgage, the foreign investor cannot obtain citizenship through it.

8- Giving a fingerprint is a condition for real estate residence:
A new application has been launched regarding the process of obtaining the investor’s required residency, which is required to apply for citizenship by investment, where the investor will have to give his fingerprints either by coming to Turkey or by going to the Turkish embassies or consulates in the country of residence, and that Within 60 days of submitting the residence application.


Edited by: Aldar Real Estate ©